Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Nov. 16, 2015

So guys I can't actually believe I've been here for 9 cambios but you know that's how life goes! So this last week was awesome we had interviews and they went super well! I learned so much from president he's pretty cool! helping me realize that if we start focusing on what we can do we will really see how blessed we are and that we really do have the ability to do anything because really sometimes we forget but Jesus Christ can and will give us strength if we invite him in! So awesome I am so grateful for Jesu Cristo en my life he has really helped me become the person that i am today and i know for a fact that without him i wouldn't be where I am Today! 

So this week was awesome I started feeling more like what I have to say will help the people here and it did I feel like I can talk louder with more confidence and that the people understand me and its weird because its in another language but i know that what I am saying makes sense and that the words that I say have been inspired by the spirit! i know that really I am suppose to be here in copiapo with hermana Clawson! she is so awesome and is helping me so much here! Because we are alike and we can help people here! I know that this cambio is going to be awesome! 

So like really this week we visited lots of people and also walked some! But on Monday we had a family home evening and it went pretty well! everyone there participated and it was really spiritual it was about how we need to focus on the things most important and Jesus Christ will help us to become the people that we were created to be! I know that this is true also to look at the good in all things because maybe if its hard you come out with something good right??(: that's pretty awesome right I really know that if you look at the good in the hard times that really your life WILL BE BETTER! It doesn't even matter what happened if you look at the good it will! I know and can promise if we are optimistic in the hard times they will look better and they will get easier I know it because I have applied it in my life I know that sometimes things will be hard but when you do look at them with a big smile on your face it will be easier! 

This week I learned that and am always learning that through God anything is possible we just got to believe it and I know that it will! I love being here and cant believe the time is passing by so fast! But I know that I am suppose to be here the time that I am and that time is short but if I give it my all I know I can move mountains!(: 
so I hope you guys know that I know this church is true and i know that through God all things are possible we just got to believe it! I know that families can be together forever and God made that possible! I love you guys so much and hope that you never forget that and hope that you all have a awesome week! I love you guys tons! and hope that you guys have the best week every! 

you guys are the best 
love always 
hermana Birlyn Willden😘

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